International Meta Consciousness Academy Complaints, comments and compliments procedure
IMCA’S Commitment to You
We at IMCA are committed to providing high quality and responsive services always. However, we recognise that sometimes people may not be satisfied with those services. So, we have set up a Complaints Procedure to enable you to tell us in what way you are not satisfied with our services or with those of an Associate.
What is a Compliment?
A compliment is either a spoken or written expression of satisfaction. We would love to hear those in person or by emailing
What is a Comment?
A comment is a view, a perception of what we are offering. It can be neutral, positive or negative and offers IMCA a way to improve services. We would love to hear those in person or by emailing
What is a Complaint?
A complaint is either a spoken or written expression of dissatisfaction. You can complain verbally but if you wish us to take further action, a complaint needs to be in writing, preferably by email to
How to Make a Complaint
If you are unhappy with a service, we would recommend that you first raise it directly with either the practitioner or the IMCA Group/IMCA Committee involved. Resolving problems as quickly and as informally as possible is always best.
However, if you wish to make a written complaint please email or telling us the issue you wish to raise. If you need help to do this please contact a member of the Ethics committee at
We are committed to dealing with complaints fully, fairly and impartially. All complaints are dealt with in confidence. We may use evidence gathered in investigating a complaint to help improve our services.
We will try to minimize how stressful it is for you if you complain. Our ethos is one of restorative justice, looking for conflict resolution as far as that is possible and appropriate in the circumstances.
When we at IMCA receive a complaint, we will acknowledge receipt within 3 days and let you know the next steps. This will always include staying in communication with the person making the complaint at agreed intervals.
We will notify the subject of the complaint and its details and ask them for their response. When we receive the response, we try, if possible, to respond to it within 7 days. When this is not possible we advise the that there is a delay and indicate how long we expect it to be.
The time limit for making a complaint is 12 months from the date of the incident. However, the longer you leave it the more difficult it is likely to be to investigate it.
If the complaint is upheld, we may apply one or some of the sanctions detailed in the IMCA disciplinary code. Where possible and appropriate, we are looking for an outcome that will include positive learning for all involved.
Relationships with Other Professional Organisations
IMCA has links with other professional organisations. When a complaint against an IMCA coach is upheld we may tell other organisations to which the practitioner belongs. Most professional memberships require that members tell the organisation themselves when they learn of a complaint.
To protect the public, any IMCA provider dismissed from membership of any other professional therapy or self-development organisation for professional misconduct may be dismissed from IMCA membership on those grounds alone.
How to Appeal If You Are Not Satisfied
If make a complaint and you are not satisfied with our response to your complaint, or you are the subject of a complaint and are not satisfied with the outcome of the complaints procedure, you can ask to have all the evidence reviewed by a member or members of the IMCA Management Team with no previous involvement with the complaint.
The Management Team member will be asked to prepare a report on their findings, for review by the Ethics Committee. If necessary, we have a mediator.
Appeals must be made within 28 days of being notified of the complaint decision.