First Name | Emma |
Last Name | Reid |
Nickname | emma |
Specialist Areas | Mental Health (Behaviours), Phobias (Public Speaking, animals, flying etc), Grief (loss of pet, loved one etc), Body Image |
Biography | My own health issues have led me to where I find myself today. Having been a teacher for many years, specialising in dealing with children who had complex behavioural needs, in a system that couldn’t support them, I found myself suddenly very poorly while on summer holidays. The hospital really didn’t know what to do with me, or even which ward to put me on. My face was paralysed, my legs wouldn’t work and I was permanently dizzy. I was also 6 months pregnant. After 2 long weeks in hospital, I was sent home with a bag of drugs and put on the waiting list for some vestibular rehabilitation. The NHS tried their best. The side effects from the drugs were unbearable, 3 years of vestibular rehabilitation made no difference and the Drs had run out of ideas. I was medically retired from teaching and felt lost. I had small children and I needed to function, so I began my own research. I found a wealth of information on how the mind affects the body, from people like Gabor Mate and Bruce Lipton. I discovered EFT and Matrix Reimprinting as a way of dealing with my health anxiety and stress levels. A 26 year phobia of the dentist was cured with just 2 sessions of EFT so I trained to become a practitioner myself and have been practising for several years now, and still love it. Many years on and I was still suffering with symptoms that I just couldn’t resolve. Then I found Meta Consciousness and the missing pieces all started to slot into place. When Penny announced Meta Analysis Training, I knew this was exactly the knowledge I needed. I am forever grateful to my health journey, for leading me to these amazing modalities and am delighted to be joining the IMCA team and sharing my passion and knowledge with people far and wide. |
Country | United Kingdom |