General FAQ
We at IMCA offer free 1-1 consultations for this very topic! This is such a personal topic
We want to walk beside you and make your journey as effortless as possibe and find the correct practitioner/coach that is the right fit for you.
We’ll spend one-on-one time together getting to discuss your story, passions and health or business vision and receive personalized guidance on training programs, soul-ution maps and experience needed to help you craft the pathway to your future. please contact me here to learn more about my professional mentorship sessions and programmes.
Great question! I have a resources page with wonderful links to read more about the ancient wisdom of this holistic healing model. For personalized guidance, schedule a Meta Analysis Consultation with me or one of the team
Self Study online
It is approx 18 hours however can be stopped and started at your discretion.
The lessons are for life and are available in the encrypted membership site
A safe encrypted membership site is available for life. Not Facebook
Yes however, you will need to complete each section in a continuum before starting next lesson
No this is a prerequisite for the Health Analysis Coaching programme
Once online programme is purchased no refunds are available
Meta Analysis Coaching Programme
This is to make sure that IMCA are a good fit and you will not waste your money or your time. This programme is not for everyone and we have no intention of simply taking money, the important person is YOU
It is not suitable if you are not willing to fully integrate new perspectives, a different way to embody and understand trauma.
It is not for you, if you are too busy.
It is not for you, if you feel that you already have done so much work on yourself and are not willing to step another step
It is not for you, if you are living on the other side of the world and the time difference is too much.
It is not for you, if you are not willing to fully integrate self healing
We welcome requests from individuals and students to share our logo and concepts.
Here are request forms to request permission, otherwise feel free to share content that is already published by One of our Coaches, Practitioners, or Trainers with their permission
Please do feel free to share our blogs
Log in to the IMCA website using your email address and password.
Select from the menu on the right
Select My Courses
Select the Programme that you have signed up for
Navigate to this course
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Please note that disabling cookies will compromise your user experience. You will have difficulty using account features, making purchases, and some online learning features may not function at all.
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- Access to a high-speed internet connection: 3.5 Mbps download speed or higher
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- Uses a supported browser: Chrome, Edge, Firefox, Internet Explorer 11, Android (Tablet/Mobile) or Safari5 (macOS/iOS).
- Functioning internal or external speakers.
- Access to a printer as you will need to print out several work sheets and if preferred the manual/workbook and diagrams
We currently have 5 trainers across the globe and many practitioners that will be available to answer your questions.
In membership site, only the other members will be able to see your posts and respond. You also have the choice to send private messages.
There are 2 directories.
A printed versions, you can print off or for optimal use, store as an ebook and you can click the symptoms in index, which will directly take you to the page concerned.
An online version with images and case studies
Both you will find in membership site here